Saturday, November 03, 2012

LA Noir

There is a dark side to Los Angeles. Like the one Ray Davies saw. Hollywood Blvd. and the Strip. Seamy and strange, where there are no real characters. The rules are different, and the truth doesn't matter. And the sad thing is, it's all a facade, and there's real desperation. Like they expect it to come crumbling down at any second. 

Boston/Jon Sr.

A few shots from Boston during my dad's recovery from knee surgery.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Jack - Spring Baseball 2012

The smell of freshly mown grass in the spring. Dogwoods and azaleas are out, the Masters is neigh, and the young men of MARA Baseball U8 "Blue" take the field. "Cuz" Todd came to visit for the weekend and we squeezed in a visit to the Carolina Raptor Center as well. Happy Passover and Easter to all.